Hope you had a fabulous Father’s Day! Weren’t Willie and the babes so cute in their “Father’s Day team shirts”?!?!
It has been SO hot here in Virginia it’s hard to enjoy doing anything outdoors. I’ve been carry a fan EVERYWHERE for the baby. We are getting into our new normal as a family of four and me as a full-time working mommy. It was a hard transition for the baby (and me) and breastfeeding. The first week was ok, but second week of me gone was a 30 minute screaming match after work trying to get her to latch. It was completely devastating. I had tried so hard to have a better breastfeeding experience than I did with Hartley that I felt defeated when Finley started to refuse to eat. After the weekends it was better, but I’m still struggling in consistency with her. It’s hard because I can’t predict if she is going to latch or not, so having a bottle and pumping equipment goes with me everywhere…which is less than ideal and a complete pain. However, I’m happy my supply is strong and I’m been super regimented about it. I’ve also tried supplements, dark beer, and lactation sweets to keep it up. I invested in these lactation brownies a few weeks ago and I wasn’t too happy when I discovered the extremely low percent of milk boosting nutritional contents in them and ohhhh a 12 pack cost me $30…that’s $2.50 a brownie.
So what do I do…make my OWN! Super simple and the best thing is the ingredients are not only for lactation but great all-around fabulous things to have on hand for cookies, smoothies, on-top yogurt, etc. The power bomb ingredients are: Ground Flaxseed Meal, Brewer’s Yeast, Wheat Germ. Total cost for the batch is about $3-4, which is more like $0.33 a brownie.
All you need is:
- Favorite Brownie Mix
- Make and bake per instructions but add 1 tablespoon extra of vegetable oil and water to account for extra dry ingredients
- 2 heaping tablespoons of each boob food ingredient (ground flaxseed
, brewer’s yeast powder
, and wheat germ
*Again, I can only vouch for myself, but this helped my milk supply and it was a delicious treat that was easy to make.
Hope you enjoy these super ooey gooey brownies!! Let me know how it goes mama!
Pin this image to share with others! You don’t need to be breastfeeding to enjoy the nutritional benefits of these brownies, which help support skin, hair, energy, etc. to give you the boost you need. Everyone deserves a brownie break haha 😉
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