It’s been 5 months since I completed my Whole30 and Bikram 30 Day Challenge and I’m starting to lose any energy and posture progression I gained (and I’m sooooo bloated…ughhh). I was incredibly proud of myself with combing those challenges during October. I completed 26 out of 30 Bikram yoga classes and ate 80% Whole30 (weddings, social events, and not being able to fully kick my coffee half-and-half decreased my full commitment), sooooo I was in desperate need of a pick-me-up!
I love smoothies for breakfast or after a hard workout like hot yoga. For those that have practiced Bikram, you really don’t feel like a huge meal afterwards, so guzzling down a protein packed smoothie is so satisfying. I know Whole30 does not recommend this in their eating plan, but for me it is the perfect way to refuel after a sweatsesh. It’s also a perfect meal replacement for times like this where my stomach is just not liking what I’ve been eating.
This smoothie combines my new obsession of matcha tea and nut milk. Matcha Green Tea is a high-quality powdered green tea. It is packed with antioxidants, slight caffine boost, and is said to help with memory, concentration, calmness, endurance, energy levels, detoxification, and the list goes on. I LOVE a great iced matcha latte with almond milk. It’s so refreshing with a little boost of caffeine for an afternoon refreshment, so I thought, why not start adding to my smoothies? I have been using Good Karma Flaxmilk (unsweetened) lately because #1 it’s convenient (and has been on sale), but I also like the taste and it’s just provides just enough body and creaminess to the smoothie without a lot of calories (only 25 calories per serving). If I have the time I will also make my own almond milk and use that in my smoothies too. Here are the rest of the ingredients:
Post-Workout Matcha Superfood Smoothie
- 1 scoop of protein – you can use any CLEAN protein you like here (I emphasize clean because have you ever read the back of some of these protein tubs?!?! I personally like whey protein
the best, but I also have a vegan protein
I use)
- 1 cup nut milk
- 1 cup fresh spinach
- 1 banana (I only had a fresh one, but I highly recommend freezing your bananas in an air-tight container for smoothie prep – it provides such a richness that really nothing else can. For days you want to limit sugar, only use ½ banana)
- 3-6 ice cubes depending on desired thickness
- 1 teaspoon of Matcha Green Tea Powder
- 1 teaspoon of ground flaxseed
(you can also add chia or hemp seeds)
- About 10 almonds (optional – I only do this as a little extra protein after a hard workout)
- optional – garnish with granola and unsweetened coconut flakes, you can also make this a smoothie bowl!
What I also love about smoothies it’s something so easy you can make in a rush or prep the night before in a portable shaker. I have this single serve blender system at work, so I just prep everything the night before and store it in the freezer and then pack to bring into the office to blend up whenever I’m ready. I also give some credit to smoothies for getting some baby weight off because sometimes it’s all I had the energy to make and ability to drink down in between juggling being a new mommy.
I’m starting my 3rd week of Pure Barre. I’m so surprised how addicting this exercise program is and can’t wait to share my full experience after my 5 weeks of unlimited classes ends. I will have to find a way to figure out a way to pay for classes after the amazing grand opening deal they had, because it really is a fabulous toning/core-strengthening program.
Hope you all have a great week and bundle up for the impending snowstorm!!
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