Feels just like yesterday I was writing my 25 week update. The weeks are flying by and it’s almost overwhelming that in just a few short weeks we will be a family of four and I will be a mother to two beautiful girls. I am trying to not only mentally prepare my mind and body for labor, but also being a newborn mother again. We are incredibly blessed and cannot wait to meet our new member!
I also included some of our very last minute maternity photos my husband and mother took. We were hoping to a full photo shoot session but the not so great upcoming weekend weather, these will serve as backups in case we can’t get professional ones. I would say mom and hubby are getting good even on a frigid windy day! I even found a way to make my very spring-ish lace dress work for winter! The dress also came with it’s own floral headband and bracelet, which ended up working as a crown for Hartley. It’s been fun to see her getting excited and making comments of “baby sister” so to capture her in these was super special.
How far along?
- 35 Weeks + Day 6 – 30 more days to go!
Baby is now the size:
- About 18 inches long. Her weight – 5 1/4 pounds – size of a honeydew melon (according to my app)
- Girl
- Getting closer. Finally have it narrowed down to a few and we will wait until she is here to decide. Hartley will be very disappointed to learn that the name she picked out, Susie Tonya Candy, will not be the winner haha. (2 of her favorite people + fave food item = baby name)
- Tons! This little girl is super active and sometimes likes to jab momma. Falling asleep is hard sometimes with all the movement. Guess she doesn’t understand bedtime yet haha.
- Harder to fall asleep some nights but still able to sleep a majority of the night unless Hartley, my bladder, hip pain, or leg cramps wakes me. The compression socks did help my varicose veins and restless legs for a few weeks, but now they are so uncomfortable to wear I have stopped that routine. Willie has been giving me goodnight leg and hip rubs which seem to help too.
- Still working out about 4 days a week. I no longer do my high intensity classes. I stopped Pure Barre at week 30 just because it was getting expensive and I was having trouble modifying all the core exercises while still feeling like I was getting my money’s worth. At the gym I am sticking to the elliptical, lower intensity stair master, or treadmill walk for my cardio. Oh and my maternity belt
has been a complete pregnancy workout hack. I’ve kept up with weights and have just lessened my lower body weight. If you haven’t checked out my Favorite Pregnancy Workout, that is my go-to fitness routine outside the gym.
- I also started prenatal yoga classes at Honest Soul Yoga. They had a great promotion of unlimited month for $30. The class is PACKED, like about 30 women each class! I have never seen such a fabulous community of pregnant women. It’s also great to see everyone at different stages, hear stories, struggles, perseverance, and positivity. It really has been a great experience joining this yoga community.
How I’m Feeling:
- Feel great. Tired and achy in my third trimester, but I wouldn’t trade all the aches and pains not to experience this miraculous thing happening to my body. It really is amazing to think that MY body is forming lungs, arms, toes, hair, eyes…it is absolutely crazy!
Weight Gain/Skin:
- About 28 pounds so far. Leg veins are super uncomfortable and I have some itchy patches on stomach. No stretch marks on my tummy yet, so super grateful of that. Oils are magic!
Food Cravings:
- I absolutely LOVED not having a diet New Years resolution. I have been making smoothies, salads, and more paleo items lately to try getting back into my routine more, but still indulging on my carb and sweet cravings. Oh and my mom gave me a jar of Nutella…ummm that stuff is amazing. A spoon and a jar have never been better friends!
Food Aversions:
- Nothing right now.
Survival Items:
- Earth Mama Natural Stretch Oil (swear by this stuff!)
- Rainbow Light Prenatal Multivitamin
- Spectrum Prenatal DHA
- Weleda Wild Rose Deodorant
- Maternity Leggings
& Blanqi Belly Support Leggings
Reading List:
- Mama Glow: A Hip Guide to Your Fabulous Abundant Pregnancy
- Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth
- Birth Happy: The Savvy Woman’s Approach to a Satisfying Birth
- The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth
Nursery Update:
- Finished my changing table remodel. Found it for $10 at a yard sale. Painted it two-tone (pink was supposed to be rose color but more looks like Pepto-Bismol pink…oh well) and finished with pretty baskets and rose knobs
(I will share later). Added a thrifted mirror (only $8) above the changing table and a large art piece from Target for above the crib. I added a free “dresser” (which is really to nightstands put together) that I got from my mom. If you follow me on Instagram I showed you how I made a homemade chalkpaint using baking soda and free leftover paint samples. I will say I am happy with the coverage, definitely worth doing on a free piece of furniture. So the only thing left now is the gallery wall of maternity and newborn photos 🙂 Once I have that up I will share the final nursery look. It is the perfect nursery on a budget.
Birth Preparation:
- I’m feeling confident and empowered. Through all my reading and prenatal yoga I definitely feel more confident then my birthing experience with Hartley. Last week our prenatal yoga class stated “My birth will…” and you had to choose two words you would believe in. Mine were loving and positive. Others were empowered, natural, supported, miraculous, confident, pain-free, relaxed, etc. This exercise was much needed during my 33rd week as I was getting anxious and about my labor and what that meant. I am going to be a mother of two. This is probably the last birth I will have. I was flooded with emotions last week, so having this exercise pulled me back in to focus and realize everything will be fine and to keep my positive mindset and look forward to these huge life changes.
- My hospital bag is almost all packed as well.
- I have been nesting like crazy! This is a REAL thing.
- 36 week check-up and ultrasound here we come! We are on the home stretch!
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