Friday, September 21, 2018

My baby must-haves

Finley is 6 months! I cannot believe it. It has been an absolute whirlwind!

So this isn’t necessary a baby checklist…yes you need a car seat, stroller, first-aid kit, diapers, wipes, etc., but these are some products in addition to the necessities that made my life easier. I have used all the products linked and highly recommend them. Happy Friday!

Homes toys/stations:


I made it to my breastfeeding goal of 6 months and still going. I do have to supplement about 4-8 oz. a day with formula but I’m still super happy with my supply compared to Hartley. As a working mother, pumping has become my way of life. I pump all the time it feels like, but getting a schedule and having some essentials make this task so much easier.

  • Nursing Pillow
  • I used a Spectra pump this time and really liked it – changing out the white valves every 2 months also helped tremendously with keeping a good suction
  • Hands Free Pumping Bra
  • Glass Storage Jars
    • Like my bottles, I hated the plastic storage options (the bottles get junky and the bags tip, I had a bag break so with a long commute they just weren’t working) – these glass mason jars are just amazing and they fit perfectly into my carrier to and from work
  • Mama supplements (see my lactation brownie recipe)


  • Glass Bottles
    • I swear by glass bottles. Yes, there are many different manufacturers but these are my absolute favorite. They come with vented nipples so there aren’t a lot of parts. They never have a smell or get that old used plastic look. If you are worried with transporting them, I have this protective sleeve that gives some assurance of breaking.
  • Natural (clean ingredient) bottle soap and bottle brush
  • Breast Milk Ice Pack
    • This fits the glass bottles great for trips or outdoor workouts

Teething/First Aid:

  • Amber Teething Necklace
  • Teething biscuits are a life saver!
  • Frozen green beans…Finley has been loving this on her teeth and teaching her fine motor skills. Once thawed just watch carefully so they don’t gum off too much

Workout Essentials:

Getting a workout outside with my girls was/is a sanity lifesaver. So enjoyable to get something done with them that helps me feel good about myself. A lot of times I’ll do my walk/jog then do a weighted circuit while I let Hartley play at the playground, which is a double win!


So we are still working on getting Miss. Finley into sleeping longer through the night. She gets hangry through the night. After our 6 month visit we are a little more confident in starting to wean her off constant night attention. Our new bedtime routine is warm bath, baby massage with coconut oil and lavender essential oil, read a book, and then feed her. She normally falls asleep after all this but if not we are still putting her to bed and letting her self-soothe (which I hate…who wants to self-soothe LOL).

I hope that some of these products help you prepare or help with life with an infant. It is a process mama (and dada) but with the right tools it can make life easier!

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