Monday, May 4, 2020

My Reading Corner

As much as I would love to be back on an island right now with our current world situation, I can’t. But, we all do have the power to create and enhance ourselves. We have control of our own story always but even more during these uncertain times.

I learned through taking DISC training at work that I’m predominantly an S Personality Type which is motivated by safety and security. I want to exist in peaceful environments, so right now this especially hard for me. I also learned that books that do not encourage, motivate, inspire or teach me something, I do not care about them (sorry cheesy romance novels). This was a very interesting point for me as I would classify myself as not a reader. After graduate school I couldn’t even look at a stack of papers without wanting to throw up. So for years I don’t think I picked up a real book (well expect for the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy, because I mean how could I resist the hype). But now I’m excited to pick up a book and get a little “me” time.

The last 6-9 months have really been some of the most stressful and life changing moments in our family of four as we have made the decision move to Charlotte, North Carolina, for my job. We are excited and hope and pray that this is a great decision for our family. The anticipation and planning for this move has actually really helped me during this quarantine time. It was something I could track progress on and have goals set. If you saw my Instagram story (@lovesthefind) yesterday you saw the Coming Soon sign in our yard. Our Virginia home will be for sale this week…ahhhh! This has been our absolute favorite home. We have been blessed with so many wonderful neighbors, an incredible backyard that our girls adore, and worked our tails off to renovate it top to bottom and endless hours of yard work. It’s our pride and joy and it’s going to be a hard home to beat! I will keep you all updated but we may have a North Carolina contender (fingers crossed). Buying and selling a home during a pandemic will be an experience we will always remember, for sure!

But anyways, finding a little sanity of reading when I could/can has really helped to manage my fears and emotions (along with a healthy dose of wine and about a million calls to my mother). These books all have taught or made me think of the future I want for my children, marriage and myself. I hope that you enjoy my little reading corner (books are linked) and you find some laughter, peace, life lessons, inspiration and motivation.

I would love to hear if you read any of these and what your thoughts were. Did they motivate you to try something new? Take a leap of faith? Think about your finances, choice in partner, parenting relief, or just a new beauty trick (I am dying to try Stassi’s green primer she recommends for face redness). Happy Monday!

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